Promoting Literacy, Lifelong Learning, and Equitable Opportunities
AT&T Featured Charity 2025
Closing the digital divide, together
On February 22, 2025, FMCFL was proud to help distribute 185 laptops to students in Greenfield, thanks to a generous collaboration with AT&T and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. Thanks to Human IT and Greenfield Science Workshop for their efforts to make this event posssible.
Funding Literacy
As the Featured Charity for the AT&T ProAm, FMCFL received a donation of $40,000 that will go directly to our Monterey County Free Libraries to support literacy!
Support our efforts
With your donation, we can make a bigger impact. Donate to expanding literacy and bridging the digital divide. Our afterschool support centers provide a safe space for students to learn and excel in school.